
高品位高級住宅(Mansion house for foreigners)


BIGBOXはビジネスなどの国際化により外交官やビジネスでの日本居留の増加に対応すべく、一戸建ての超高級邸宅のご相談を承っております。 欧米などの生活習慣に合った住い勝手やニーズに対応、マンションにはない一戸建て北欧輸入住宅を造ります。 北欧建築一筋の8,500棟のノウハウを生かし、「ログハウス」「フィンランドハウス」を基本にご提案いたします。 このたび「外国人高級ハウス」というコンセプトでシンプルでハイセンスな特別の建築仕様アイテムを用意いたしました。 この住宅は外交官や外資系企業の私邸や社宅として賃借する高級住宅です。 延べ床面積的には70坪から120坪位、6LDK以上サウナ付き、車庫3台、家賃月額100万円以上のエグゼブティブな高級住宅となります。 BIGBOXでは北欧一筋21年の実績と経験を基に生活設備機器まで選りすぐったハイセンスで最高品質の邸宅をご提案、設計、施工いたします。

Mansion House for Foreigners
In order to reply increasing demand form foreign residents in Japan, BIGBOX has been supplying best quality houses, which can respond very strict demand from diplomats and executives. These are very comfortable Northern European style detached house, which considered life styles of all over the world. BIGBOX has 32 year’s experience with Northern European buildings, and then completed construction of 8,500 houses all over Japan. Based on these profound experience and know-how we will present you original specification of “Log-cabin type houses” and “Finland style house”. We have prepared excellent special line-up of mansion houses for you: Basic specification as 1) gross floor area=more than 200 m2; 2) more than 6 LDK; 3) with sauna room; 4) with parking space for 3 vehicles. You can enjoy this rank, of house with more or less 1 million Yen as house rent. This is high-grade house, which you can rent to diplomats and executives for multi national companies. Base on profound experience with Northern European houses BIGBIX will be able to accomplish best quality of design and construction for layout, interior and living facilities, which you can satisfy.

北欧高品位ハウスプロジェクト スーパーバイザー担当窓口
● 電話 フリーダイヤル:0120-117698
● E-mail:info@fin-bigbox.com
● BIGBOX一級建築士事務所 チーフデザイナーデスク(内線18番)手塚


Contact Address for High Grade Luxury Houses Project
● Contact No.(Free charge):0120-117698
● E-mail Address:info@fin-bigbox.com
● Contact Person:(Mr.)Naoharu Aoyagi, Overseas Division

Since this is special specification for high-grade luxury house, there is no catalog. We will begin with your request and hope, and then create actual concept with you. We would like to develop order-mage house rather than ready-made one. Please be free to contact us and ask any question. We are eagerly looking forward to hear from you.

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